Zaffiri meaning and definition

Zaffiri meaning

n:- Guy or girl name defined as having the largest penis, or tits. Mostly men with this name are exponentially known with having the largest recorded penis sizes.v:- To violently beat someone to death with a small child.

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zaffirian meaning

To be a dick to one's closest friends.

zaffis meaning

a small wanged individual who sucks

zaffle meaning

The act of wiping your cock clean on the back of the living room curtains.

zaffo meaning

Zaffo... wtf is zaffo, sounds like a form of fungitudinal mossitious puss that grows on your eyelids, or is that scake...

zaffoness meaning

someone who isn't a total zaffo but has some symptom of being one

Zaffron meaning

a hoe with blonde hair, that is dumb as a door knob. Also known as easy and likes it in the butt. But is a munckin and loved. Example a zaffron can't locate New York or California on a map.

Zafft meaning

A Zafft is known for many things. One of the most known things being his or her uncanny ability to be annoying. A Zafft is the person who finds his or her way into a party even though they were not invited. A Zafft will annoy you to no end with their fake stories about how much they party and how much they drank at parties. A Zafft in short is a buzz kill.

Zaffy meaning

A term used to describe a love/hate relationship couple. Another term for rival-shipping. Named after the original couple "Zaffy." The original couple consisted of two people who hated each other yet still loved each other anyway. They were the ultimate Zaffy. Another good example is Watanuki/Doumeiki from xxxHOLiC.

Zafir meaning

Zafir and G. row make up Z. Row. They are the best duo in the game.

Zafirah meaning

Zafirah is a rare name with the meaning of victorious. It sometimes means Screaming witch.The female called Zafirah will be very pretty and funny. She is genuinely smart. She is just, amazing. :D