baby dada meaning and definition

baby dada meaning

baby father /// father of children

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baby daddy meaning

Short for "Baby's Daddy". The father of your child, whom you did not marry, and with whom you are not currently involved.

Baby Daddy Bullshit meaning

When a father, who is no long with the mother of his child or children, acts out. Usually upon seperation with the mother of his child or children. This usually involves taking drastic measures in order to prove a point or to show ownership which he no longer has any.

Baby Daddy Cockeral meaning

Another name for a cockeral that has just became a daddy cockeral but not long ago was a baby cockeral dont confuse this with any other animals

Babydaddy Day meaning

The compliment to Fathers Day: Celebrates the Babydaddy for not pulling out or taking any responsibility for his offspring.

baby daddy drama meaning

The drama some tired ass man of any color can bring back to the mother of his child(ren) This increases by his lying and disrespecting you and the low ass feelings it brings when everybody knows your business.

baby daddy face meaning

The look on your face after having to talk or deal with your kid's annoying and impossible father.

baby-daddy-less meaning

Refers to the fact that a person does not/did not have a father figure in their life.

baby daddy mama meaning

The mother of yo baby daddy. Your child's grandmother on the paternal side.

Baby-daddy Material meaning

Baby-Daddy Material is mainly used towards "Pretty Boys" or in other words, "Very Attractive Men". A young man who has beautiful features as in: eyes, lips, hair, and skin. These are the type of men just to have beautiful babies with and nothing more.

Babydaddytat meaning

Babydaddytat is the visible scratch marks across a black male's face, usu. the cheek. It is typically caused by a fight with the mother of this person's child. More specifically, it is a tattoo that appears on the baby daddy after fighting with the baby mama and is used to show ownership of the male. Can also be caused during rough sex.