babysit meaning and definition

babysit meaning

When one you and a some friends go out clubbin'and one of them ends up getting S#!T faced and you end up watching them all night; cleaning up their puke, keeping them from hooking up with nasty people/fighting people, helping them walk/up when they fall-thus ruining your entire evening and resluting in you not having any fun.

babysit meaning

To pay little or no attention to your alcoholic beverage, letting it sit idle, while you pretend to nurse it.

babysit meaning

To hold the blunt for much longer than necessary. After being caught babysitting, babysitters almost always take an additional hit before passing.

babysit meaning

Babysitting is something you do on date night because you have no date and need money, so you watch bratty kids, get payed 7 bucks a hour,clean up messes, and forced to watch the Sponge Bob Square Pants movie over and over and over again

babysit meaning

To watch your friend while they are wasted out of their mind and don't know what's going on.

babysit meaning

1. To watch annoying little kids all night. 2. Holding onto a blunt or any other form of weed for too long, thereby pissing off anyone else u are smoking with.

babysit meaning

the designated babysitter, also the designated driver. the one in the group who doesnt drink and makes sure the rest of the group is not killing eachother or anyone else.

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babysitter meaning

Someone who cares for children from birth generally up to 12. Or someone who can't behave themselves on the job.

Babysitter Michelle meaning

Also known as Micha C, the long lost white twin of Misha B, she is the babysitter of Father Andy and Mother Gillian's children. She is also the best choreographer in earths history. BUT she was close to making Father Andy cheat on Mother Gillian although Mother Gillian stepped in just in time. Or so we hope. This may be continued...

babysitters club meaning

Collective name for any group of lightweight bitches who nurse the same beer all night or warehouse beer like it ain't no thing. Members of this club often resort to faking drunk to not seem like a pussy in front of real drinkers. Derives its name from a ridiculous book series for little girls.

Babysitter Syndrome meaning

When a teenage girl who baby-sits talks to everyone as if they’re 8 years old and is always in a falsely chipper mood.

babysitter TV meaning

The TV that watches your child while your child watches it.

Babysitter Zanny meaning

When you're relatively intoxicated on Alprazolam (Xanax) and require a care-taker(sort of like the fake babysitter mention in the Casey Anthony trial). This is due to the drooling, i know your sister, and baby-rage.

babysittin meaning

When you're in a cypha with your best buddies, and one of them thinks that the others are so fucked up that they won't notice that the goods are missing.

babysitting meaning

Time people spend at other people's houses chasing after their runny nosed bratty kidz while they are out having a good time. Your also expected to feed, entertain, play with, tell lies to, and read bedtime stories to their demon children. But it is a lucrative business and easy to get into.

babysitting a text meaning

When you send someone a text (usually a risky one) and you have to keep checking if they replied yet.

Baby Skanks meaning

When a young girl, usually a freshmen or sophomore in high school tries to get with all the older guys and start drama among everyone. After doing so they will play innocent like a baby that all the older boys lie and use them as targets. Skanks that act like babies.