dafro meaning and definition

dafro meaning

The overgrown public hair of a male, resembling an afro. A dick afro.

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Da Frondle Shant meaning

A Flabby cock that hangs out loosely a little above your asshole... Often described as a DickTail. However, it is usually Negro in color, rough in texture, and a few inches longer than your penis. Unfortunately, The Da Frondle Shant has a respiratory system and needs oxygen at all times... so cut a hole in all your shorts. If not given air, the Da Frondle Shant will continually ejaculate for sometimes up to 3 days. To aquire a Da Frondle Shant, one usually has to somehow eat Racoon shit. The Da Frondle Shant will form overnight.

dafront-dafront meaning

A girl with a sumptuous bosom. Typically falling out of her brasierre

DAF syndrome meaning

A disease which classifies someone being Dumb As Fuck

daft meaning

Inane. A person whose strongly held ideas and beliefs go against common sense.

daft and barmy meaning

Cockney rhyming slang - the army.

Daft Apeth meaning

A Northern (specifically lancastrian) term for a fool, roughly equivalent to the modern term 'muppet' not really and insult, almost a term of endearment Pronounced like 'a-peth' (longish A) Origin: Shortening of a daft 'alfpenny.

daftarse meaning

A person who is silly in such a way and acts like a daftarse.

daftary meaning


Daft bastard meaning

A middle-aged british gambler

daft bint meaning

Naive female, often perceived as stupid. One who would buy Chantelle's biography and label it a "good read".