das boot meaning and definition

das boot meaning

n. A large glass boot that must be turned as a bubble forms in the end to avoid spillage. Always used to drink a vast amount of beer, due to it being the greatest substance in existence.

das boot meaning

Das Boot is both the name of a german submarine movie and also the name of a traditional beer drinking glass. The glass holds 2 liters of beer, or in some cases 2 liters with room for foam (3 liters to the rim). It is the final drinking contest in Oktoberfest and also featured in the movie "beerfest". Literally translated it means "the boat" or in the context of the drinking glass "the boot".

das boot meaning

Mini series now on DVD.The best WW2 film by far.You really want the crew to perform the mission and return safely to port.In today's politically correct world it may be best to keep sympathy for this regime to yourself.Thinking aloud may lead to you committing a thought crime.

das boot meaning

German for "The Boat" A movie showing the other side of the war, not Americans doing what the British and French were blowing up/capturing before America's entry. Documents the life on a U-Boat.

das boot meaning

Das Boot best kicker of all time give me a yard line DAS BOOT can kick a field goal from there. His right leg is so much bigger than his left from kicking.

das boot meaning

A play on the similarity of the phrase 'the boot' and the title of an acclaimed movie about a WWII submarine ("Das Boot" or "The Boat" in english). Used in the same way, as in get the boot or as in the Denver boot. Sometimes combined with check your oil for extra comic effect.

das boot meaning

A term used by online gamers requesting that the host of a multiplayer videogame (or server) "boot" another player from the game, usually due to poor sportsmanship. Originally coined in 1998 by members of the AmeriClan Rainbow6 clan.

Read also:

Das Bootie meaning

To drink a 16oz beer out of a sailing bootie.

Das Booting meaning

When a person punches another person's chin through that person's ass, after having put that person's chin in their ass to begin with. Often performed by the french as a form of spousal abuse..

das boot pirate meaning

(1) One of many homosexual Nazi sailors.(2) A homosexual depicted in Das Boot, a homoerotic movie about Nazi U-boat personnel.Variation: Das Fruit Pirate.

Das Boot Pong meaning

Playing beer pong with das boot's. The same rules as beer pong applies except instead of 6 cups placed on each side, 6 das boots are used. When a shot is made, the boot must be chugged. Do not attempt unless you are a professional drinker or can hold extreme amounts of alcohol.

Das Boot Vagon meaning

Using the word 'Butt Wagon' in a European country (preferably Germany) Most commonly associated with a buttock or mode of transport. Can also have multiple other meanings depending on the context of the conversation, and the emotion of the person saying it.

Das Booty meaning

Doing a German chick in the ass...

Das Broke Boys meaning

being broke; not having money,

das bruce meaning

One crazy ass mothafucka, bobby pin bitch. Ya heard? Plays Trogdor and shiz.

Das Busa meaning

A large creature often seen riding Suzuki Hayabusa motorcycles whilst wearing only a german-style helmet.