LWI meaning and definition

LWI meaning

an acronym meaning 'live with it'. Most commonly used when telling someone something that they might reject.

LWI meaning

An acronym that stands for 'live with it', the short form for 'you are going to have to live with it'. It is most often used in writing, such as on msn, skype, facebook, sms and other such forms of modern written communication. It can also be said out loud in a cryptic or ironic referal to its written counterpart. The meaning of the acronym can be compared to 'deal with it'. It is often used to expres contempt towards people who want more information than they are given (example 1) or who are angry or upset by something (example 2), by telling them they must accept what you tell them or what happened without further nagging or moaning. It is used especially when said person has been bothering you for a long time or with something unimportant. The expression can be softened by adding 'ok?' to your statement (example 2) for when a person is annoying, but you also feel slightly sorry for them. The use of the acronym 'lwi' started in the USA and in the Netherlands around the same time; it has spread far and wide since. Some people use the acronym incorrectly in its capital form ('LWI'). That is however a mistake; the acronym should at all times be in lower case.

LWI meaning

acronym for Lesbian While IntoxicatedA woman who is physical with other women only when drinking or drunk. A common behavior exhibited by a woman interested in experimentation without the responsibility of commitment. "Sorry, I was drunk" provides a convenient excuse for avoiding undesired physical, emotional, and mental interaction with women once sober. Being an LWI also allows the woman to either maintain heterosexual status or claim she is bisexual if that suits her needs. This behavior is seen frequently when a straight woman is trying to please a man who would like to be in a threesome with another woman.

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LWID meaning

Shortened from "look what I did". Generally means the innocent, child-like, proud smile on someone's face when they think they've done something "great" in a very cute manner.

lwiindi meaning

hot, big ass and lots of fun!!!! can handle her alcohol and men. doesnt back down for no one and has a wonderful personality that makes guy fall for her.

Lwin meaning

A commonly mispelled noun or adjective for males. Lwin can be used to describe an object/being or as a noun. Meaning cool, or beautiful, or wicked, or nice clothed. Very gangster.

lwip meaning

netspeak for "Laughing while I poo."

lwiss meaning

the exact time when you hit full throttle.

LWIV meaning

To laught with inner voice, or to laugh out loud in your head. to avoid others knowing you're not working

LWJ meaning

Light Wash Jeans

LWJO meaning

Laughing while jacking off.

lwkm meaning

A Nigerian abbreviation meaning laugh wan kill me. Found in the pidgin language, It's a synonym to LOL used in the Western world.

LWKMD meaning

Same as LWKM, but on a funnier scale. LWKMD: laugh wan kill me die. similar to lmfao, lmao, rotflmao, it's a more intense description of one's reaction to a joke.