Painbreaded meaning and definition

Painbreaded meaning

Using bread to cause discomfort to animals

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Painbreaded a Puffin meaning

When feeding a Puffin a bread stick, the animal will experience extreme discomfort, leading to choking and eventually death.

painbrexit meaning

On 23rd June, Britain voted to leave the EU. Article 50 which is the instrument to commence the formal process of leaving the EU is yet to be triggered by the end of March 2017. There have been several predictions of doom days ahead consisting of economic downturn, higher prices, high unemployment, poverty and depression. Should these doom predictions happen after Brexit then leaving the EU has resulted in painbrexit.

Pain Cake meaning

Servings of pure pain delivered by means of the fist, leg, penis, and other extremities. They are most commonly served by covering the body of one (usually smaller) with the body of another (usually a wrestler). They are oftentimes served from dawn until dusk at the INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PAINCAKES. The servers at the INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PAINCAKES include Chuck Norris, Chris Rock, and Epic Beard Man.

pain cave meaning

Dark room or basement where you lure unsuspecting and intoxicated women.

painciling meaning

When you are about to experience severe pain, and you put a pencil in your mouth so you can bite down on it.

paindagarten meaning

when a small kindergarten child finds himself in a life or death situiation involving a mad smomach pain. leading to a rushed trip to the doctor with a result of '' have you tryed urinating'' problem solved

painding meaning

A pounding pain, commonly found in your head.

paindoo meaning

1) A person who comes from the village(of India or Pakistan). Usually used in a derogatory connotation

Paindrops meaning

Raindrops that has enough mass to hurt.

paindu meaning

a pakistani or indian person who speaks punjabi and has a bad english accent