racino meaning and definition

racino meaning

A combination race-track and casino.

racino meaning

The word "racino" is one of many "combo" words that enter the English language over time as new developments in society and technology occur. A racino is basically a racetrack where can place bets on the racing event but also has a casino that has slot machines and maybe more games such as BlackJack, poker, craps, keno, Wheel of Fortune (that's where a giant wheel is spun by a lovely lady and you bet on which section the arrow will point at. You see this game in the Old Wild Western flicks, this game has nothing to do with that Vanna White TV show), roulette (not Russian) and such.

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racinoid meaning

Referring to someone who is racist or has just said a racist comment to someone.

racinreaver meaning

What happens when a jew marries a non-jew.

Racio meaning

Of or pertaining to the proportion of ethnics in a given social situation

Racioppi meaning

Pronounced as (Ruh-Chop-Ee). Racioppi is a term used for when someone is douchin around girls; And or, trying to get pussy, but everyone knows that it will never happen.

Raciotypical meaning

A racial stereotype

racious meaning

An adjective describing something that is well liked, cool, exciting, pleasing, good, etc.

racipist meaning

(Racist + Rapist) = Racipist

racish meaning

Kind of racist. Racist is such a charged word in our society, that whenever people hear it--they tense up. So the word "racish" was invented to say, "Hey, I'm not really sure I like what you just said/did, let's talk about it in an attempt to understand each other better." People who do or say racish things are not bad people--they don't go to secret meetings or strategize about how they can keep other people down. What they do is occasionally engage in behavior that helps to keep the races apart, instead of bringing them together. This is not a term that only applies to white people--doesn't that make you happy, white people? I thought it would (: Popularized on the blog myblackfriendsays.com.

racisim meaning

the wront way to spell Racism

racisist meaning

Racisist is the name given to an extreme racist, who always jeers abuse at different races.