sabJ meaning and definition

sabJ meaning

Self Administered Blow Job (pronounced SAHB-JAY)

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Sabki meaning

A word used in place of somebody's name when you are making fun of them for having a crush on someone they don't in fact have a crush on.

sabko meaning

The coolest guy you will ever meet...

SABl meaning

to "Smoke A BLunt" aka bleezie commonly used in front of parents or in public areas when saying hey "lets smoke a blunt" might be frowned uppon

Sabla meaning

What a Persian guy says when he talks nonsense and gives someone the run around. Instead of blah blah blah it’s sabla, sabla, sabla.

sablah meaning

The sound that is made when you hit another person in the face with a guitar.

sablame meaning

Simple- So blow me!!!

sablauskas meaning

sablauskas means "sword" in Lithuanian and they are very smart and intelligent their fathers push them to be great even though they try their best but they do great in school they are smart and can get almost any job they desire oh did i mention they are great in bed

sable meaning

A contraceptive from the 1800's to early 1900's, generally made out of cotton or other soft materials.

sablesmart meaning

the coolest kind of smart there is.

sableye meaning

The best pokémon ever. It eats gems and steals spirits. Thats enought. Already too awesome.