Tax Check Rich meaning and definition

Tax Check Rich meaning

When someone gets their tax return after being broke all year long and go out and spend it all on dumb shit at Rent-To-Own places.

Tax Check Rich meaning

When someone gets their tax return after being broke all year long and go out and spend it all on dumb shit at Rent-To-Own places.

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taxcite meaning

tax·cite (tak´sît), v.t. < Gr. taxis arrangement, division < tassein, to arrange + MF citer to cite, summon fr. L citare to put in motion, rouse, summon, 1. to employ multiple tools or means in an action usually employing a single tool or means. 2. to provide stimulation or excitation from two or more identical or similar sources.

tax collector meaning

The very lowest form of human scum. An agent hired by a government to coerce and collect money from innocent people to pay for politically correct social programs.

taxcow meaning

Derisive term for a taxpayer. Coined by Al Loomis ( commenter).

taxcrell meaning

North Jersey congressman whos politically stuck in the 1930's, presided over double-digit unemployment in paterson, votes for every tax increase. He does like the ladies, which makes him better than McGreevey!

tax crunch meaning

The best ice cream flavor at baskin robbins.

Tax Cunts meaning

1.Term coined by Democratic staffers for Republicans who voted against the Economic Stimulus package. 2. Description of politicians who are so mentally challenged that their response to any and all problems is a some type of tax reduction.

tax cut meaning

what killed off the budget surplus that we once had.

taxdactory meaning

(n) A long trip our journey.

Taxdancer meaning

A person who stands on the sidewalk or street corner dressed as Uncle Sam, Lady Liberty or of the like. Their intention is to rope you into impulsively stopping at a close by Tax Filing business. Tactics include; Dancing, jumping up and down, or waving a sign, foam finger, pool noodle or any other annoying thing they can think of.

Tax Day Tea Party meaning

When the best people in the world who happen to be people of all races, creeds, colors, amounts of wealth, and ages get together on April 15th to protest big government, over spending, and over taxing by the liberal government that plagues our country.