Tax meaning and definition

Tax meaning

Giving money you don't have to people you don't know for a program you don't believe in.

Tax meaning

Verb. - To steal. Noun. (Taxer) - Thief

Tax meaning

"The only difference between a taxman and a taxidermist is the taxidermist leaves the skin." -Mark Twain- "A nation trying to tax itself into prosperity is like a man trying to lift himself out of a bucket by it's handle." -Winston Churchill-

Tax meaning

Money coerced and collected from honest, hard-working people in proportion to their INCOME. This means that the harder a person works, the more he is taxed. Taxes are NOT collected on WEALTH, which explains why rich people pay few taxes. Therein lies the explanation why pollutocrats like John Kerry, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Kennedy, who have millions of dollars, want to raise taxes. They have great wealth but not-so-great incomes, so they pay very low taxes. It's YOUR ass they want to tax. This also explains why higher taxes are the liberal's favorite solution to every problem. Higher taxes cost him nothing, but the entitlements they pay for buy votes from members of the entitled groups. This explains why black folks like to vote for John Kerry. You didn't think they like his face, did you? Note a fundamental truth of the universe: Corporations do NOT pay taxes. Never have. Never will. They merely collect taxes and pass them on to the government. If the government slaps a high tax on corporations, the corporations merely raise the prices of the goods they sell, and pass the cost along to the consumer.

Tax meaning

Another necessary evil perpetrated by the government, which is itself a necessary evil. While many people disagree over just how much taxes they need to pay, it is stunningly obvious that we need to pay some taxes. Running the country, after all, isn't a part-time job. The general reaction to taxes is high, usually because people are very attached to the small green slips of paper they call 'money.'

Tax meaning

legalized theft created by and used by the government. mostly used to pay for a bullshit war in iraq or to give money to lazy pieces of shit who refuse to work (see welfare)

Tax meaning

The other thing guaranteed in life besides death.

Tax meaning

Giving money you don't have to people you don't know for a program you don't believe in.

Tax meaning

Verb. - To steal. Noun. (Taxer) - Thief

Tax meaning

"The only difference between a taxman and a taxidermist is the taxidermist leaves the skin." -Mark Twain- "A nation trying to tax itself into prosperity is like a man trying to lift himself out of a bucket by it's handle." -Winston Churchill-

Tax meaning

Money coerced and collected from honest, hard-working people in proportion to their INCOME. This means that the harder a person works, the more he is taxed. Taxes are NOT collected on WEALTH, which explains why rich people pay few taxes. Therein lies the explanation why pollutocrats like John Kerry, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Ted Kennedy, who have millions of dollars, want to raise taxes. They have great wealth but not-so-great incomes, so they pay very low taxes. It's YOUR ass they want to tax. This also explains why higher taxes are the liberal's favorite solution to every problem. Higher taxes cost him nothing, but the entitlements they pay for buy votes from members of the entitled groups. This explains why black folks like to vote for John Kerry. You didn't think they like his face, did you? Note a fundamental truth of the universe: Corporations do NOT pay taxes. Never have. Never will. They merely collect taxes and pass them on to the government. If the government slaps a high tax on corporations, the corporations merely raise the prices of the goods they sell, and pass the cost along to the consumer.

Tax meaning

Another necessary evil perpetrated by the government, which is itself a necessary evil. While many people disagree over just how much taxes they need to pay, it is stunningly obvious that we need to pay some taxes. Running the country, after all, isn't a part-time job. The general reaction to taxes is high, usually because people are very attached to the small green slips of paper they call 'money.'

Tax meaning

legalized theft created by and used by the government. mostly used to pay for a bullshit war in iraq or to give money to lazy pieces of shit who refuse to work (see welfare)

Tax meaning

The other thing guaranteed in life besides death.

Read also:

taxable meaning

if someone meets your personal criteria for having sex with, he or she is 'taxable.'

Taxachusetts meaning

A term used to describe Massachusetts. Although not the highest taxing state for income taxes, certainly one of the leading states in taxing everything within the boundaries of the state. Mass is a miserable place full of liberals the closer you get to the coast. Problem is, people there don't even realize it. You have to leave the state to have full comprehension of the problem. The East coast version of California...another collection of leftist idiots.

Taxadermized meaning

NOPE Chuck Testa

tax-an-bong meaning

Any asian's version of of their weed bong.

Tax And Spend meaning

To be generous with another persons' time, money, posessions or personal wherewithal in general. This may apply to (1) a person doing so for personal gain or ease or to (2) a person doing so for a third party.

taxanoia meaning

(n.): The unwarranted fear of taxes.

taxanoid meaning

(n.): A person who perceives any tax as being unjustly directed at them, personally and unjustly.

Taxanya meaning

A word used to refer someone who abuses power by being obsessed with taxing. This taxing is not just with money, extending to other areas of life like breathing, walking, and Facebook. No creature in life, not even babies and bears, are allowed to resist the taxes. If you don't pay the Taxanya the tax, there are permanent consequences.

tax a snitch meaning

1) To use force or scare tactics to get the money that's owed to someone, usually for drugs.2) To exact revenge or payment from someone who has snitched.

Taxass meaning

A sore, aching ass caused from sitting for too many hours working on State and Federal Income Taxes. An irritating condition, confined to the ass region, caused by siting for long periods of time.