ta-kwee-dough beer farts meaning and definition

ta-kwee-dough beer farts meaning

caused by a long night of drinking and making a trip to whataburger for sausage and egg taquitos. very very raunchy. strong enough to kill a horse.

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takya meaning

A Non Friendly Female ; Dosent Like To Be Bothered By Either Genders ; Focused More On Her Self & Not Relationships With Friends Or BoyFriends . . . Soft In The Inside But Dosent Show It Because Of Her Past With Others ; Defined As A Female Who Dosent Give A Fuck Unless Your Talking About Coming Up On A Bank Roll .

takyla meaning

a black girl with fake boobs and swollows and showers in her period blood

takyon meaning

A popular song by the experimental hip-hop duo Death Grips. Not to be confused by the faster-than-light-particle known as a Tachyon.

Takyra meaning

Outgoing, Funny, Cute, Hot, Loves running! FREAK IN THE BEDROOM!

Taky Wayhard meaning

The alter-ego. Someone who enjoys the rape brought on by her friend and has a strange obsession with touching. Taky thinks about things before she does them, and even after considering the consequences, she does them anyway.

Tal meaning

This word/name usually describes a godly figure, one who tends to have a best friend named reggie. Tal is an accepted term that can be permitted in any word. For example, simply placing tal in any specific spot within a known word is acceptabtal in any language. Tal will soon create his own nation, ie: taloosh

Tala meaning

A Palm Tree, but when it originates from Tunis and is grown in Lebanon, it tends to be a Girl, during which she will have the purest of souls, and a heart more lively than a sunflower, she will have a brain made from Einstein Concentrate, will love like a fierce tiger, and when duty calls can be used as a personal defense mechanism, aside from her perfectionist personality and peak super human mental capacities she comes with a vibrant luminous face with big luscious lips, soft tender skin, and the behind of a goddess. Can be used as a substitute for the following words; Awesome - Jello - Stupendous - Sushi - and the phrase "i dont want to move an inch"

talaar meaning

sitting bank of pond. dogri word,spoken in north india

Talaat meaning

A Hard-working sex god. He usually forgets to eat but when he does, the plate disappears in a matter of seconds. Also called Taloot sometimes

talaba meaning

Filipino word meaning oyster. Often used to refer to a woman's vagina, especially when eaten. As in cunnilingus.