Waahmbulance meaning and definition

Waahmbulance meaning

The hypothetical vehicle that's called for someone who is whining, usually in a self-absorbed and/or annoying way.

Waahmbulance meaning

Like an "ambulance" you would say your calling one of these when someone is being a total fucking pussy and whining.

Read also:

Waahn meaning

the sound that is released by a dying giraffe.

wa-ah-oh meaning

three sound which put together allow you to vocal scratch. different variations of the sound and order allow other words to be included for 'vocal scratching

WAAHsturbate meaning

Using one's tears as a lubrication for masturbation.

Waah Waah Page meaning

The act of creating a website or Facebook page for the specific purpose of complaining.

Wa ai ni meaning

I Love You (in chinese)

waaka meaning

waaka , a term for beating meat, masturbating , or a sound made in the process

waakaa meaning

(A colloquialism from Mandarin Chinese) Word describing surprise introduced into English from Chinese immigrants. Oh, Shit! Oh, My God!

waak the daag meaning

Used to described doing nothing and being bored doing it - part of the 'eliminate the L' campaign of speech impediment lingo. Can be interpreted as 'Walk the Dog' (doing nothing) or 'Wack the Dag' (masturbating). Is said with a Baaston slur (like the ad campaign for Maker's Mark which spelled the name Makeh's Maak) See also: Cackwatch

Waakvarken meaning

Ugly, usually meaty, girl that keeps guys away from her mostly better looking female friends. Reason for this behavior is mostly jealousy.OrWhen a guy goes out with a female friend, she keeps away the girls.

WAAL meaning

Women African American Lesbians acronym