aaron carter
meaning and definitionaaron carter
mean? Here you find 4
meanings of aaron carter
A pop singer who was cute when he was 10, but now is no longer cute. He is famous for his hated songs like "Crush On You" and "I Want Candy."
My generation's Justin Bieber. A kid who made shitty kid's music and 10-14 year old girls ate it up.
A short blonde wigger who thinks he's black.Just a little dork who sings such wonderful music as "I want Candy".Could sometimes be gay,and has spaz attacks.
A teen pop-singer who dated many girls, ranging from celebrities to unknown girls such as April from NY, Amanda from FL, Lyndsay Lohanfrom CA and Hilary Dufffrom CA. He is currently with a girl named Kaci Brown, a former pop singer. They currently live together in Los Angeles, CA.
ghetto rap superstar that's pro on mpc
An "Aaron Clare" is something you give your dog in order to put it down.
absolute wankstar , he loves to crave the attention of men going by the name of nathab , his bum hole was stretched by shrek last night ( he loves that very much and has a medal for it ). he also loves the attention of OAP's going by the name of jeff , the wrinkles turn him on .
Aaron Cleveland is a guy who is very good at treating his girl right. Even when his girl don't treat him the same way
The timeless art of tricking your woman while she is layin in bed looking for the remote for the tv. You carefully tell her "here it is" but have your weiner in your hand under the covers so she grabs your boner instead. This is usually performed when the man comes home after drinkin and she is already clearly not in the mood.
A vaginal dilator.
To be so physically cold that you feel like an iceberg...
Is a halfer. Usually shy and quiet but once you get past the barrier, you'll find someone who's a complete different person. He's loud, weird, funny, sweet, caring and bubbly. He's someone who will say the corniest/sweetest jokes but will still be somewhat funny. He is also very talented. He sings VERY well... "I LALALALLALALA I DO." He dances well especially when it comes to dougie-ing. Not only that, but he also plays drums and violin. Aaron is very intelligent; usually a straight A student. He's also a great friend; he's good at listening to your problems, he doesn't judge you, he's a great supporter and will always be there for you. Although people talk about him, he is wanted by MANY women. BILLIONS (not literally) of girls want him because he is so cute but the problem is, he doesn't want any of them. If only he gave those girls a chance, they would be able to see how truly sweet and caring he is. But just a warning, Aaron's not funny ;)) jkjkjk
When one has the illusion that they are sexy, while in reality, they are the exact opposite.
(note: Most useful when your boss is named Aaron) a task dictated by your boss, that while not especially time sensitive, the completion of which will buy you about 10 minutes of peace, till the next aarond.