aasj meaning and definition

aasj meaning

Celtic word meaning 'ass'.

Read also:

AASman meaning

Mullet + Sexy + hoody = the AASman's in town

Aasna meaning

Aasna is a name. A beautiful name. This name is defined by the word friendship and she is loved by everyone . (Supriya)

aaso meaning

Same ass 'asshole' but faster to type

Aason meaning

Aason, Is that guy that you'd love to be with, sweet-ness how he always loves to bright up your day even though he can't for his own. Alot of people fall in love with him, but he's he true to his lover and 'try' not to cheat but usually he is very loyal

Aa Sou meaning

Japanese. Meaning "I see" or "I understand"

Aassem meaning

extreme badass, someone who is irresistibly charming, handsome (pronounced: awesome)

A Asshole meaning

an asshole that is such an asshole that calling him an asshole in the correct grammatical context is a disservice to the word asshole.

a ass shit konkey wacker meaning

one who frequently shits from the ass while wacking his konkey with several large sticks.

AAST meaning

The Academy for the Advancement of Science and Technology, the first and coolest academy in the Bergen County Academies (BCA). The kids in AAST are branded as anti-social and the biggest nerds, but this stereotype isn't really true.

aastha meaning

The most outgoing and fun to know type of girl. With her personality comes a short temper and easily annoyed trait. She can bring people to love each other! She's a true love and a keeper! Aastha is the smartest and funniest gal you will ever know! Her sense of humor is the best!She loves to keep up with people and usually is the popular female. Aastha' tend to go by a nick name, like Ashley or Anusha.