Abale meaning and definition

Abale meaning

Used when you want to call someone whose name is unknown. Tipically used by stupid Israeli Arses. Used vastly in the IDF.

Read also:

abalicious meaning

a person who has abs that is umm umm good!

abalitical meaning

describes mental ability

a ball meaning

3.5 grams of cocaine, or yakk. Could also be called an 8 ball.

A balless mike meaning

A man who is whipped by a fat ass bi-polar bitch and doesn't have the balls to stand up to 'it'. A man who was obviously absent the day they handed out balls. A man who does everything in his power to obey his mammoth of a woman, but will never again be reunited with his balls she keeps in a jar.

a balloon to a blimp meaning

An expression of supreme indifference in the face of adversity. Connotes an attitude of nonchalance, indifference regardless of the circumstances.

aballoshnich meaning

a weinershnichel with no wiener

abalon meaning

A beautiful girl

abalone meaning

A shell sea mollusk animal whose she'll is lined with mother-of-pearl

Abaloosedooz meaning

Microsoft operating system (in development)Features include: -improved upon vista/windows 7 user interface by asking even more if the user wants to do said action -the built-in Abaloosedooz program causes the hard drive spin so fast that it causes a space time rip in your computer thus causing unlimited amount of memory. -supposed to be released in conjunction with the sibling program, "Dimbydonky", which was supposed to allow transportation between two computers using core Abaloosedooz programming -downgraded Paint (more...) -Every Friday the 13th of each year, it delivers a plethora of black cats, broken mirrors, and open salt shakers (dispensed out of the CD drive)

A Bama meaning

Some afro- americans from the South who talk slow, get drunk and probably end up sleeping with their cousins or who grew up poor who hate people who go to college.