EAF meaning and definition

EAF meaning

"EPIC AS FUCK!!!" (EAF) is a useful acronym that can be substituted for phrases like: "really good"; "very awesome" and/or "waaay bomb."Duh!

EAF meaning

Efficient As Fuck It defines the master of efficiency

EAF meaning

Short for "Exposed Ass Fart". When you do a fart bare-assed without any pants or underwear on.

EAF meaning

it means "easy and fast"

EAF meaning

Eaf means absoloutely nothing, but can be used in context to replace just about any word or convey an emotion. Can be used as an acknowledgement, greeting, agreement, protest, etc. depending on what tone it's used in. Speculated to have originated in the clarinet section of Bayside High School's (Palm Bay, FL) marching band some time around 2001-02.

Read also:

eafd meaning

Eat A Fat Di*k.

E-Affair meaning

An E-affair is one where two married people in separate marriages are "involved" through text, phone calls, emails, FB, yahoo, any social networking yet do not engage in sex. Their relationship can be that of sharing intimate issues with each others spouse or a desire to be with the other person. This can involve sharing videos, pictures, web cams, sextexting, or phone sex.

e-affectionate meaning

Being affectionate via internet.

eaffle meaning

a bird in Latin America that is spreading across the whole world. The have a remarkable taste, much like the 'waffle'.

eafo meaning

Eat A Fat One


When two lovers are so horny 24/7 all they do is EAT, FUCK, and SLEEP.

eag meaning

to be a beast, a dominant force in the human race and in all aspects of life, to be incredible.Antonyms: Tha Suz, non-eags, g-men fans.

eagal meaning

Its a eagle but you suck at spelling... Really? man you Suck! at spelling

ea games meaning

Monolithic games company which acquires talent instead of breeding it. 1. Responsible for shipping their games with crippling DRM. 2. Most of their games are souless cloneless advertising vehicles regurgitated at least once a year, every year.

eagan meaning

To pretend to come from London city, but you are actually from an outside suburb.