FAAAAAK meaning and definition

FAAAAAK meaning

Used at the end of a saying, usually after someone says something silly. But you must say it with a nasally tone. (P.S. the more AAAAA's the better, maybe)®

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Faaaaat meaning

a different way to say: FAT

faaaa-reak meaning

A cooler way of spelling and saying freak. It's someone who is a freak in a good or a bad way like crazy/silly or weird/uncool.

faaace meaning

A sort of meme originating from David Willis]'s Webcomic] Dumbing of Age]. It comes from an early joke that has the character Jennifer "Billie" Billingsworth] aka get flipped over a couch by Ruth Lessick], and after, when people try to ask if she's okay, she replies with "Shut your faace! Your faaace! FAAACE".

faaack meaning

Variation of the word 'fuck'. Used to accent the original swear word in order to show gravity of situation, stress levels or amazement.

FaaaGet A Life meaning

Someone that has no life and you make fun of them. Fagget + Get a life = FaaaGet A Life

faaaglie meaning

a hott guy with estrogen.

FaAaKKK meaning

the word that turns me on wen a bitch wants it harder

FAAARK meaning

Australian colloquial term for 'fuck'. Based on the sound of the Australian Raven. The Australian Raven has a distinctive call that sounds like 'Faaark!' A famous Australian variety show host, Graham Kennedy, got in some trouble back in the seventies when he cried "Faaark!" on live television.

FAAB meaning

An acronym for female assigned at birth. A politically correct way to refer to transsexual, transgendered, genderqueer, bigendered or intersexed people who were raised as girls.

faack meaning

the misinterpretation of fuck. usually yelled at someone.