Facebirthing meaning and definition

Facebirthing meaning

A woman updating her Facebook status as she gives birth to a baby.

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facebitch meaning

When someone's Facebook status is always a comment about how he/she hates her life.

Facebitched meaning

Is when someone is demolished in a social respect using the social networking site 'Facebook'.

Facebitcher meaning

Someone who constantly updates their Facebook status with complaints and disgruntlement about life, boyfriend/girlfriend, work, school,etc, etc.

facebitching meaning

complaining about something that happened to you using your status on facebook. Usually something stupid or irrelevant and no body gives a fuck, hence the "bitching" part.

facebitch-slap meaning

A metaphorical bitch-slap to someone with a Facebook wall post or comment.

Facebizzle meaning

A slang term for Facebook, using the conjugation rule for the suffix izzle to refer to Facebook in a cooler way than the standard "Facebook".

Faceblackout meaning

When one goes into a subconscious state while browsing facebook profiles. Subject usually snaps back into conscious while browsing pictures of some completely random person, and is often followed by feelings of guilt, embarassment, and creepiness.

Faceblam meaning

Like a facepalm, but something so mind-numbingly stupid that it results in violently slamming one's face into a hard, flat object in frustration.

faceblank meaning

to ignore someone on facebook. You can normally identify a faceblanking by comments/wall posts being ignored. the blanker may believe the blankee is a facecreep if they leave too many unrequited messages/comments

Faceblanked meaning

1. To ignore someone on Facebook. This can be considered especially rude if the person has posted something directly on to your wall that requires an answer. Also can be incredibly empowering to the person who is Faceblanking.2. To ignore someone for Facebook. Whole conversations can be carried out to someone's back, as they roam Facebook, without the speaking party realising they are being Faceblanked. This has been made increasingly worse by the use of mobile internet to access Facebook and growing wi-fi access avaliable in and around cities.