Fabric Softner meaning and definition

Fabric Softner meaning

When partyin' at your buddies house take your girl in the laundry room, throw some clothes in the washing machine, have your girl sit up there while you give it to her, when it's time to blow lift up the lid and blow it in the machine then drop the lid.

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Fabriction meaning

When static electricity and dry skin cause clothing to bunch up and stick to the skin.

Fabrictist meaning

One who is an expert in knowing the content, types, and ways of working with fabrics, including sewing, stretching, and otherwise manipulating them.

fabric weenie meaning

The fake weenie that you get when your jeans bunch up while sitting.

Fabrifatuation meaning

The inexplicable phenomenon of seemingly terrible entertainment substances wielding intense emotional control over their subjects and/or resulting in unwise addictions. The effect creates a kind of 'fabricated infatuation.'

Fabrigasm meaning

n. The moment of joy someone who sews a lot gets upon entering a large fabric store.

fabrigay meaning

Someone who acts gay (or gayer) for some specific purpose. Commonly done to get attention, special treatment, or (in the case of straight men) access to woman-dominated locations and activities. Shortened form of fabrigay egg.See also: flambot, flambiguous, fauxmosexual

fabrikate meaning

A verb used for describing ones work which is falsely riteous, fabrikating or the fabrikation of something can be shown by stamping a 3 letter acronym on a piece of steel and claiming rights to this certain object for the resale under a new business or different market at twice the price and half as fast.

Fabrilexical meaning

The ability to create your own words as you see fit. From "fabri" to fabricate, and "Lexical" of or pertaining to the words or vocabulary of a language.

Fabrini meaning

A very macho teacher of English.

Fàbriqué meaning

A floridian, who believes he is a Kitty... and is not. -.-