Facebcrastination meaning and definition

Facebcrastination meaning

Facebcrastination is the fine art of using Facebook to procrastinate.

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Facebeat meaning

The act of masturbating to profile pictures, photo albums, and the like on Facebook.

Face Beaten in by Sadness meaning

The state of a female after she realises men are foul, sexfiends that want nothing more than their lower extremeties. Usually occuring between the ages of 18 to 26.

FaceBed meaning

Where are so tired you're face hits the bed and you are asleep

FaceBedding meaning

Not allowing yourself to sign off and go to bed until your chat box is empty of all contacts.

facebeef meaning

When two or more people have a mindless heated argument on Facebook, whether it's through comments on profile pictures, profile walls, etc.

Face beer meaning

Enjoying a beer while having a facetime conversation with a friend on a cellphone.

facebefooked meaning

The emotion experienced by urban dictionary editors that is caused by a massive overload of definitions of names which in turn is caused by a fucking annoying comment on face book that urges idiots to post the definitions.

facebefriend meaning

To friend someone on facebook

facebefucked meaning

The emotion experienced by urban dictionary editors that is caused by a massive overload of definitions of names which in turn is caused by a fucking annoying comment on facebook that urges idiots to post the definitions.

Facebeggar meaning

A person who survives extreme poverty or need through the act of panhandling gifts, money, food, housing, clothing, etc..., through Facebook.