Faceblocking meaning and definition

Faceblocking meaning

(v) The act of intentionally blocking another user from viewing one's Facebook profile, pictures, or other details due to that user's disagreeable worldview, stalking tendencies, and/or criminal insanity.

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faceblog meaning

to detail your life on Facebook to a nauseating degree.

Faceblogger meaning

Someone who uses Facebook like a blog site.

Faceblogging meaning

Pretty much when somebody treats the online social networking site Facebook as a blog. The Faceblogger really doesn't understand the fact that Facebook's purpose is to keep in touch with friends, not to constantly update their status about how boring their day was and then how much they love their boyfriend/girlfriend. Unfortunately most Facebloggers tend to be female, with the exception of some totally narcissistic, self centered, "My life is important", males who just want everybody to know how awesome that 10 person party they threw in their basement was. Facebloggers are annoying, if you look at their profiles all you will see is posts from them, as it's obvious no one wants to talk to them. They also tend to use poor grammar at first but then learn that the more legible they write, the easier it is for people to read about their useless lives.

Facebloke meaning

One who is constantly on, and annoying people while using facebook.

Face Blondeness meaning

Similar to face blindness, but for those who don't actually have the disease but just suck at recognising faces alone.

Faceblotto meaning

adj. 1. Drunk while you use Facebook. 2. In a condition in which you are more apt to say things on Facebook that you'll regret in the morning.

Faceblown meaning

when facebook blows your mind.

face bludgeon meaning

The act of bludgeoning someone in the face, with a large mallet or stick. The bludgeoning implement is of little importance, so long as it is large and hefty. Do not question the definition and usage of hefty. If you do, you are ignorant. It is the ultimate act of degradation. If one is face bludgeoned, and they survive the bludgeoning, they must immediately kill themselves, unless it is possible for them to redeem themselves by return face-bludgeoning the face bludgeoner.

Face blunt meaning

Smoking an entire blunt (with at least half or more commonly a gram in it) by yourself.

Faceblurg meaning

When a discussion or blog on Facebook transends the original topic to another topic so polorizing that it turns derisive, and is peppered more with insults than opinions and/or facts.