grandmas kisses meaning and definition

grandmas kisses meaning

the greatest and funniest edit of Spongebob Squarepants in the world. if you do not see it you will live the rest of your life in shame and dishonor

grandmas kisses meaning

funny ass parody of Spongebob SquarePants. If u never saw, watch it!!!

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Grandma Slang meaning

Words and phrases that elderly people say to eachother that only they know the meanings of.

Grandma Slap meaning

To slap someone so hard their grandmothers can feel it. Not literally but its a saying.

Grandma slipper meaning

A person who slips grandmas drugs for RAPE. They do the dirty with the grandmas and flee the scene. They are dirty mother fuckers and i dont suggest being near one.

Grandma sneezure meaning

ridiculously repetitive sneezing; ten or more.

grandma spammed meaning

Receiving multiple forwarded emails containing useless, sappy, moronic, or otherwise unwanted information from an elderly female.

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The saggyest most disgusting vetran vagina that has seen the cum of a thousand days

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Pizza that someone eats after it has been left out for several days (aged) and resembles 'Grandma' with it's funky odor, fuzzy surface, and rigid texture.

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A type of pudding made by your loving grandmother, while very tasty and sweet it reeks and then you realize grandma accidently rubbed banana pudding on her feet calluses instead of ointment so she put it back. Don't worry about it being gross though she's senile.

Grandmas Ring meaning

The ring that you "find" or steal from someone and you feel guilty. thinking it was their grandmas ring.

grandmas skin meaning

When food gives off the appearance of a wrinkly old person. Usually this food is pizza.