I am legend meaning and definition

I am legend meaning

1. A kickass movie with Will Smith. 2. In Call of Duty 4, when one holds a live frag grenade in one's hand and charges at the enemy in an attempt to kill both oneself and the opposing soldier(s) in the blast. (does not work with flashbang or smoke grenades)

I am legend meaning

An awesome book about a disease that turns all but one man into blood-thirsty vampires, which was adapted into the movie format three times, with varying success. The adaptations range from good (I Am Legend), to average (The Last Man on Earth) to just plain terrible (The Omega Man). Except for The Last Man on Earth, the movies do not follow the plot of the book at all.It is also the last words spoken by the main character in the book.

I am legend meaning

Fuck you micheal I refuse to watch I am legend

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I am Lemon meaning

A game in which one proclaims "I am lemon!" and then strikes the lemon (or any other citrus fruit) against one's forehead until the fruit breaks and citric acid goes into your eye. Warning: Do not play this game with anything other than citrus fruits as severe concussion or charges of assault may proceed.

I am LIVING meaning

Also can be said as "I'm living!", or "LIVING". A term used to describe feeling great, and on top of the world about something. They could also say it during something they highly enjoy.

i am loco meaning

I Am Loco - I Am Crazy...

I am lost meaning

To watch TV series LOST.

I am love meaning

homophobes hate it when you post this on their user profile/facebook/etc.(alt+3 to make a heart, use the 3 on the numpad)

I am Mac meaning

Admitting one's stupidity.

I am mother fucking Switzerland meaning

Switzerland is a neutral country. So when your friends get in an argument and you don't want to take sides you yell "I am Switzerland. "

I am Motivated meaning

When a couple doesn't like to use the word horny, they say they are motivated towards one another.

iammuffinmuggers meaning

when someone slams a muffin on their face and posts it on facebook

iamnephilim meaning

Some douchebag on the isohunt forums that takes his mod powers way too far. Full of himself. Essentially shuts down any dissenters with whom he disagrees.