l2w meaning and definition

l2w meaning

learn 2 write. said to a person with crappy typing.

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L3 meaning

Used by the band The Matches to describe their concerts: Live, Loud, and Local

L30 meaning

time to smoke a blunt. blunts are also known as an "L"

L300 meaning

A variety of van manufactured by Mitsubishi Motor Company. An L300 may also be referred to as a starwagon. In essence an L300 is the ultimate van to own, if you are interested in such pursuits as burning, mugggin' it up and having a sweet time. L300 can also be descriptive, applying its magnificent qualities to another object.

l336 meaning

The exact opposite of l337, also see nub.

l337 meaning

politeness is bieng able to speak l337 speak but having the sense and intelligence to talk like a normal person

L337 5p34k meaning

\/\/|-|/-\-|- '/<>|_| 5|>34|< 1|= '/<>|_||" <<><>|_. pronounced leet short for elite.

l337ard meaning

a person who uses l337

l337arded meaning

When people use the term "l337" so much it's retarded

L337 H4x0r meaning

One who thinks he/she has done something brilliant by hacking another, when really all he/she has done has ruined a perfectly useful space of time annoying another user with his/her pathetic, destructive behavior.

L337HP meaning

L337HP is a new generation coverup for hack/hacks/h4ck/h4cks. l337HP is cut words that are merged into one. l337 - Leet - Elite H - H0T, Hot, H -(bad/illegal) P - Pr0g - Program Pronounciation; ~ (leet~H~P) Plural;(L337HP's)