meaning and definitionm00p
mean? Here you find 5
meanings of m00p
m00p means "whateva, bro... lets smoke some weed because I really couldn't care less about anything right now."
"m00p" originated from retards back in 500 AD and has developed into the biggest retard on earth and has no purpose in life. v. m00p is actually short for "piece of shit"
fuck b0g, m00p rules
The most badass African/porra motherfucker. With the largest penis. badass...
Very short person with absolutely now chance at life. Also known to be Moridins biggest fan.
A 1337ed-up moose
A term used for a close friend, a 'brother', someone who a person feels strongly identifiable with.
A derivative of the traditional "moot", which is originally a noun referring to a hypothetical legal case (as practiced by students). Then used as an adjective as in "a moot point", meaning "a point open to debate". As of the mid-1800s, "moot" has been used to refer only to the hypothetical aspect of something termed "moot", i.e. that something is "of no significance" or "of no relevance". "m00t" is an exclamation meaning "I have made <subject> moot."
The first and oldest UK TV rip group founded in October 2001. Pioneers of UK TV, setting the standards for others to follow.
the 1337 adaptation of mobile. n. readily moved item. v. about, free of constraint.
M0cking J syndrome is a illness you receive when playing Overwatch and meet the same guy/people in separate matches. M0cking J syndrome is very rare, if you expirience M0cking J syndrome the person you meet is most likely a god tier Mccree main.
When using an extremely highpitched sorta ghey voice to convey sick and disturbing messages across songs, originally used by m0d (hence the name) of modarchive to spruce up his songs. Now often used by other people this phenomenon has been known as doing "m0d voice".
Another word which is used for showing other people the power of your 0wnage. m0dZ - modz - mods 'Mods' is short for modifications. Game mods are set of packed files made by gamers that change what the game looks like, for example it can change the futuristic weapons into those used in the second world war, it can change futuristic maps into those that look realistic. But mods can also make the game easier in multiplayer as some of them make weapons fire faster, or boost up players health and speed. This kind of cheating is usually taken care of by the game developers, however there are still some games that do not have anti-mod support. Those games include Freelancer, Red Faction and few more. However saying m0dZ has nothing to do with modding, its like saying 'Look, i owned 20 guys with my knife, im having the skill like i was using a mod'
A shortened term for 'mother-fucker' but also in l33t, using zero's instead of plain 'O's.
m0fire, a very sad 30 yearold man, he spends hours making threads on a online fps forum about how great the u.k is, but fails horriabley. his english and typing fail but claims he is the superior race.