Nan meaning and definition

Nan meaning

Nan - a strong, beautiful woman. A survivor. The best big sister, mother, wife, aunt and friend.

Nan meaning

1. Not-a-Number. These result from operations which have undefined numerical results.2. Used to describe something for which rad, unique, unprecedented, incredible and "out of the box" are understatements, because mathematically,- NaN 'equal to' NaN is false- NaN 'not equal to' NaN is true

Nan meaning

short for shenanigans, or could be used when someone is not telling you the truth

Nan meaning

A beautiful woman or girl. She is an amazing and loyal friend who always has your back. She is a great mother and sister. She is very talented and she is a good dancer. She is very beautiful and many guys fall for her ;)

Nan meaning

"Nan" is British for "Mom", or "Grandmother", often used as joke, and referred to as an insult.

Nan meaning

A female figure in someone's life. Anyone who had raised them. Used to avoid Argument, ie, the person hates their mother, or she may be dead, this word represents anyone they may care for.

Nan meaning

Nut Ass Nigga

Read also:

nan0 meaning

Mean, grumpy, groggy, stubborn, strict, ect Also an insult to peoples who are one of the above-ness.

Nana meaning

Nana is an amazing funny pretty girl. You'll love her once you meet her. She is normally dark skinned. She always has something to say. She is loud and rude and isn't afraid to say whats on her mind.

nana ama meaning

a lovely girl whose attractive both inside and outside. Very caring,compassionate,funny and strong on the outside. But tend to be very quick tempered at times. Very tolerant at times, trustworthy and very brilliant

Na na baby meaning

a girl who drives u crazy,has nice hips,cute lips,she all around amazing, shes ur ride or die lady

Nana butter meaning

When using a banana as a profilactic and the creamy substance that is created from the banana mush enters the vagina.

Nanachan meaning

The ultimate female hipster. She's such a hipster that she doesn't even need to sport the clothes in order to prove it. Also, a super cool Japanese girl.

Nanacore meaning

Portmanteau of Hardcore (intense, extreme) and Nana (affectionate name for grandmother, either one's own or a woman who is likely to be somebody else's. See Oma).Adherents, despite being in the prime of life, exhibit values, affectations or behaviours stereotyped as only being performed by the elderly.Examples of this may include excessive tea drinking, knitting, utilisation of a lap blanket, wearing suspenders or thick glasses instead of modern alternatives, or an interest/hobby that is out of fashion.Often these affectations are more environmentally friendly or healthy than the perceived norm, such as baking one's own pies from home-canned fruit or crocheting a scarf for winter instead of turning up the heater. The usually require more effort than modern alternatives, hence the hardcore (extreme) reference.The etymology of this term is female.

nana cougar meaning

The older woman friend who hangs out with actual cougars, often to make them look younger by comparison.

Nanacreamndubuh meaning

The term used by males typically in prison or jail expressing the desire to anally molest another male. Although in the form of a question, it is generally used as a demand. Derived from: Banana Cream in the Butt.

Na-Na Deeps meaning

What your friends do when you're drunk. Sexually.