nammer meaning and definition

nammer meaning

Asian of vietnamese background. Nammer girls can be found wearing TNA tracksuits and shopping at aritzia spending their rich nammer boyfriends money. Usualy have medium length layered blonde hair and blue contacts. Most don't reach over 5 feet tall and look the same from behind. Nammer guys are usually slightly taller than their girlfriends and have died blonde bangs and wear size 28 pants. They shop at Boys'co and always pay cash, and are usually not half as good looking as their girlfriends. They drive import cars and live in average houses with grow ops in the basement. They report their income through Pho restuarants and hair salons. Nammers often starts fights with ratios of 5-10: 1. Do not mess with them or you will get chopped. This, of course, is only young nammers. There are no old nammers because they usually all kill each other off by then.

nammer meaning

A person of Vietanmese ethnicity. You can usually find them standing near the front of many rave parties popping ecstasy with their kids, grandkids, gradparents etc. They love to rock the Versace crystal studded belt with track pants and dress shoes. For the more fashionable ones, the girls rock the short booty skirts with hooker heals and a a slutty top to show off their brand new implants their shady boyfriends paid for. Boys beware the girls come with golden shovels! The boys...hmmm I know, they like to rock the kappa track suits or black jeans (pants) usually with a translucent/transparent Versace/Mochino top to show off their "huge" physique and dark nipples. When you see them in the crowd pretend they don't exist and lord forbid if you even bumped into one because you might as well dig yourself a grave. Don't even smile at them, they don't understand or know how to read body language or facial expressions. Basically, any type of facial expression or body language towards this ethnicity is considered negative and it will get you shot or sh!t kicked.

nammer meaning

Nammers vietnamese people.That eat pho. Speak vietnamese.Believe in Buddha.Wear expensive clothing.Have dyed hair.Gurls have layerd hair. Nammer gurls are short.Alot of nammer gurls have nice clothing and nice shoes and nice bags.Nammer guys carry a machette around with them.Nammer guys are found at internet cafes either : playing cs,smoking dope,talking on there nice cellphones,or doing there nammer squat.

nammer meaning

A word usually used to describe a sub 5 ft, skinny, poor grammered, self dyed blond tipped haired, grow op'ing, ill mannered, white beater wearing, street level drug dealing, dirty look giving, fight picking (only in 5:1 ratio with machettes)sandal wearing vietnamese males. Other generalizations include squating, paying for everything in cash and walking around at raves high on their parent funded ecstasy with their shirts off exposing their ba-jillion tatoos. Oh yeah, and half those 16 yr old idiots drivng around like jerks in 80K cars are Nams. "Nammer" can also be used to describe nammer women by use of the female word after the nammer word eg "nammer chick" or " Nam b**ch". Nammer females have blonde hair, blue contacts, and eye browns shaved off and re-pencilled in. They generally buy anything Pho-sache, Gucci, or Bebe. Other standard clothing of Lulu lemon and Aritzia apply. All these materialistic things , of course are funded by drug dealing boyfriends and home grow op funds. As the only two things that matter to Nammer chicks are attention and money; you will see some nammer chicks cross over and date rich white boys or East Indian thugs. ALL nammer chicks have done the following: 1) Worked at a Pho resturant 2) Dated a customer from a Pho resturant 3) Have gone to a beauty Salon school 4) Have aspirations to one day own her very own Hair and Beauty Salon 5) Claimed to be a model 6) Squated at a rave 7) Asked a complete stranger for a sip of their water at a rave. 7b) Asked a complete stranger for a cap of ecstasy 7c) Have made out with her best friends boyfriend at a rave for a cap of ecstasy 8) Claimed to be half Chinese 8b) Claimed to be Chinese born in Vietnam 8c) Claimed to be half Chinese half French and half Vietnamese (The last time I checked 50% + 50% + 50% = 150%??!?) 9) Claim that they are not like the rest of the nammer chicks because she's from South Vietnam (a.k.a. southern nammer) 10) Slept with a sub 5 foot man strictly because of his car. With this said, the word nammer has evolved into something more. Today nammer can be used as a verb. See examples below:

nammer meaning

A nammer is a person of Asian (usually Vietnamese) background who tends to wear ostentatious clothing, such as Ed Hardy, TNA, bebe, A/X, and others. Female nammers tend to streak or dye their hair blonde, and overdo their makeup. Male nammers also streak their hair (usually the tip) and wear expensive track suits and murses (male purses).

nammer meaning

A group of Vietnamese individuals who dress to impress, but really aren't impressive at all. The girls tend to wear TNA or anything from Aritzia, dye their hair blonde and wear Nike Shox. Often seen with faux Louis Vuitton purses. The guys' apparel usually consists of Kappa or Puma, also completed with a set of Nike Shox. Their pants usually are pulled up too high and they pull their jackets up to disturbingly reveal their bottom area. They only date other Nammers, and they love swearing in Viet.

nammer meaning

Nammers are Vietnamese decent. They are a different kind of asians then Chinese, Koreans and Japanese. The young MALE nammers are usually criminals, they always have money in there pocket. Most of the nammers you see in Vancouver or Calgary always wear expensive clothing! The older nammers are usually called Uncle,Boss or OG because majority of them are drug dealers or use to be one. Nammer girls are sluts, they act all goody good but really they just want to get the quick D. Nammers ALWAYS, ALWAYS have back up. You can never start beef with them. You can't even look at them in the eye without them freaking out. Originally they are just crazy. They have currently beef with filipino people.

Read also:

nammer squat meaning

A feat most often seen performed by asian males of vietnamese, "bukky", laos, and cambodian decent. It's a unique stance whereby the asian male must first be wearing a sheer Versace shirt, Kappa track pants, and Nike Shox before attempting the aforementioned maneuver. With a cigarette in one hand and a can of Coors light in the other (or bubbletea if under 14), the asian male will then lower its body, bending deep at the knees and their buttocks no higher than 1 inch from the ground, grass, floor, chair, toilet seat, pool hall stool, arcade stool, table, bus-stop bench, park bench, workout bench, diving board or newspaper bin (yes, it has been witnessed). With the bent legs shoulder-width apart, the asian male's centre of gravity is perfectly balanced with the extended arms resting comfortably on the knees. the key here is their flat-footed posture which cannot be duplicated by caucasian males, who often need to resort to the less impressive "raised-heels" squat and end up with sore knee joints and weak balance. When properly executed, the asian male has been known to stay in that position for the duration of an entire rave party, especially when squatting in front of the main speakers with a crew of 20 other asian males. The Nike shox are knowned to be interchanged with a pair of refugee-grade sandals, while a suitable substitution for the Versace shirt can be either Moschino, Hugo Boss, Armani, J. Lindeberg, or D&G. Kappa track pants MUST be worn to correctly perform the nammer squat.

nammet meaning

packed lunch - as used on the Isle of Wight

Nammit meaning

what is said when one tries to say "no" and "dammit" simultaneously in frustration

nammu meaning

synonymous with beautiful. such beauty can manifest itself in physical appearence or personality.

nammuch meaning

"not much" A way to respond to the phrase "wassup?", meaning that nothing is up.

Nammy meaning

The condition in which you get out of bed looking like a train wreck. Its symptoms include: eye boogers, messy hair, frog throat, the inability to open your eyes all the way due to light adjustment, and looking ridiculously ugly.

nammy nammy meaning

nam-e, name-e. something that one often does.

nam-myoho-renge-kyo meaning

1.The sublime supreme LAW of the Universe. The vibration of everything and anything in the Universe: ENERGY. 2.Mantra created by Nichiren who revealed to the world the Dai Gohonzon, when chanted, one immediately taps into Buddhahood, an enlightened state of mind, body, and spirit. Also, time without end... 3.The Title of the Lotus Sutra. 4.Nam=Devotion (to the) MyoHo=Mystic Law (of the) Renge=Lotus Flower Kyo=Sutra

ñam ñam meaning

The way people in Spanish-speaking countries utter "yum yum!"

nam nam nam meaning

Onomatopoeia (describing the sound) for eating, nibbling, feasting on etc. particularly delicious food or anything else 'edible' that comes to mind.