meaning and definitionoakard
mean? Here you find 1
meanings of oakard
to be or get fucked up
The amazing sensation you experience when putting your poison oak rash under hot water.
A municipality near Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, which is mainly populated by wealthy pensioneers who probably still think that Canadian flag is the Red Ensign, and would probably wear orange on Saint Patrick's Day.
1. A tall, unattractive female. From the derivitive 'oak', as in 'oak tree' and slang 'bitch', for an ill-mannered female.
Oak Bluffs is the summer hotspot in Martha's Vineyard. Houses are all well over 2 million dollars ecspecially on the water. If you are going to live in Oak Bluffs for the summer, buy a house on Ocean Park. Most kids come from Connecticut, New York or the Boston area to spend their summers, working at an icecream parlor or just to chill at the beach. The summer kids drive their summer cars, which are early model Range Rovers, Jeep Wranglers or Land Rovers. Oak Bluffs is the most relaxed town on the island and best for kids, while Edgartown is more of a place for adults and Vineyard Haven is full of year-round people. Martha's Vineyard in general is the perfect place to live in the summer, just not year round. Martha's Vineyard has nothing to do with Nantucket except for the fact that it's a summer island and MV is not built up like Nantucket; therefore a lot nicer and more expensive.
n- fool, one who is incessanlty owned. v- To become owned. To fail. To become defaced.
A swanky suburb of Chicago with a mall and no gas stations.
A basis of understanment of "ace of the world" perfection claus
Is when a female is titty fucked for an extreme period of time, and her chest actually turns into oak wood.
Oak Cliff is a place mixed with blacks and mexicans only about 5 white people out of the whole hood. Oak Cliff is also kwown for its violent crimes and a deep unemployment line. People in oak cliff are very easily disturbed so please do not look at anyone wrong. Some people compare oak cliff to south central L.A or Compton but i don't think its that bad.
Tha hardest Crip gang down in Oak Cliff, Texas. We bang dat blue and white. We throw up the regular Oak Cliff hand sign, but add some extra C's on that ho. It look a lil bit like the Compton Crip sign. Oak Cliff Crip got beef with OKB, aka Oak Kliff Slobs and erryother MOBK out there, so muthafucc a lollipop MOB. Its ON CUZZ erry gottdamn day, bro!