meaning and definitionP3N5
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meanings of P3N5
phosphorus nitride, also a strong willed female with a love for office equipment such as lyreco and papermate pens.
p3ni5 means penis!it is created by fact that character 'E' looks similar to number 3 when flipped around and character 'S' looks like number 5!if someone wants to write word 'penis' but doesn't want to swear (penis is not a bad word, although some people might think it is) or wants to deliver word differently, he/she will write it as 'p3ni5'!
H4x0r term for male genitalia.
Penis Lazor A Long Bright Lazor That Shoots Out Of A Males Penis During an Aha! Moment.
A work-safe, filter-free modification of the word p3n15.
p3nz0r is another term for penis. Or another commonly used 1337 term for penis.
Stands for; Poor 3rd Person, Pleb.Relating to Facebook Status updates that confuse the use of writing in the 3rd person. Incorrectly using I or we, he or her.It's not that difficult you morons.
The Most Epic Pker/Dmer in a game called Runescape.
To slaughter, to pone, in nerd language
Latest chip from Intel
MS written program "Paint" become "p41n7" when a h4x0r uses it. can be used for hacking purposes