paavani meaning and definition

paavani meaning

Paavani is defined as a person who likes to pet people's head. Usually of American-indian origin. It is advisable to protect yourself (bring a condom or something of similar use ) when confronted with this human. On the occasion that you do encounter this person, take the following steps. 1) Move back slowly*DO NOT MAKE ANY SUDDEN MOVES* 2) If there is a lake with FISHES, jump in without hesitation (there must be fishes!!) 3) Do not climb a tree paavanis are very adapt at climbing trees 4) Do not make eye-contact 5) If at anytime you hear a "meow", RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!! Paavanis are usually harmless, peace-loving creatures that care about global warming and such noble causes. Things that trigger a paavani attack are - petting - bad days - physics labs - etc... If attacked by a paavani call the help line: 9833 242 228

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Bombay Hindi slang for a Christian usually of Goan or Anglo-Indian descent. Paav refers to a dinner-roll like piece of bread used as a wrapper in a variety of street foods. The term refers to the propensity of Christians to consume large amounts of bread (as opposed to rice or wheat - the traditional staples) It is usually employed as an adjective: e.g. paav-wala English A hindi dialect that consists of both hindi and english words mixed in, usually spoken by persons of Goan descent. It results from the tendency to speak English at home and Hindi and English elsewhere

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Patriotic Americans Boycotting Anti-American Hollywood A conservative organization dedicate to holding the celebrities of the world responsible for their actions and words. The organization does not advocate depriving these celebrities their right to free speech, just the entertainment dollars of Americans who may not want to support their careers anymore. The organization provides two lists, the entertainers that they do not support, and the ones that they do. These lists are provided for information purposes only. The non-support list contains the reason for each entry. Interested individuals use these lists as a guide to make, what they feel, is a smart consumer choice.