respeezy meaning and definition

respeezy meaning

when you shut the fuck up

respeezy meaning

A white boy term for the word respect. Invented largely in part of the over use of the word respect.

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respef meaning

Akin to respect, but much deeper. Coined by Paul "Froggy" Schneider over a lunch converstaion with some compadres in the Summer of 1999 at the Biomedical Research Building (BRB) at Case Western Reserve University. At the time, he was being ragged on by said group and blurted out in front of everyone at the table something akin to, "Stop it. Y'know, I just don't get any respef around here." To which an individual named merlin responded, "How do you expect to get respect if you keep talking like that!" From there on out it became an increasingly popular "in joke" at Case and grew over time to have attached to it deep feelings of respect and honor (curiously contrary to it's original usage).

respek meaning

Something that you put on your name.

Respek Knuckles meaning

The same as Dap, respek knuckles are an alternative to a handshake.

Respeksies meaning

When you do something awesome. ( Respek is too generic)

Respekt meaning

Respekt is the feeling you get when you listen to a Regina Spektor song. Respekt is a feeling of awe, and unworthiness for listening to such beauty. Someone who feels Respekt is a Respektor.

Respektschelle meaning

German expression for punching someone in the face as an expression of deep respect.

respelled meaning

respelled (verb) : When a computer-based auto-corrector replaces an "incorrect" word you typed with the "correct" word, based on the phonetics of the original, actually correct spelling.

re-spend meaning

the recirculation of money which creates additional opportunities

respensible meaning

someone, once getting drunk, becomes very responsible and tries to take control of a drunken group, even though they are part of it. someone who behaves very sensibly and does not make a dick of themselves when drinking. derives from responsible and sensible

respeqt meaning

To be used post-coitally. Often used in place of "i'm spent" so as to simulataneously compliment the other person's sexual abilities.