respelled meaning and definition

respelled meaning

respelled (verb) : When a computer-based auto-corrector replaces an "incorrect" word you typed with the "correct" word, based on the phonetics of the original, actually correct spelling.

Read also:

re-spend meaning

the recirculation of money which creates additional opportunities

respensible meaning

someone, once getting drunk, becomes very responsible and tries to take control of a drunken group, even though they are part of it. someone who behaves very sensibly and does not make a dick of themselves when drinking. derives from responsible and sensible

respeqt meaning

To be used post-coitally. Often used in place of "i'm spent" so as to simulataneously compliment the other person's sexual abilities.

Resperm time meaning

Like a respawn time but with sperm.The average time taken between cumming and your next erection.

Respermulate meaning

The time after sex/masturbation it takes for a male's sperm to build up ready for further intercourse.

Respex meaning

Being willing to have sex with someone purely because of the high level of respect you have for them and not just because of their physical attractiveness

Respexsual meaning

To remain respectful while discussing or dealing with, in any manner, any topic sexual in nature.

resphidiouso meaning

one bad motherfucker who don't give a fuck about you

resphincter meaning

The act or function of repair or recovery after having "been torn a new one."Or, somewhat conversely, to re-aggravate or clench after having been lulled into a sense of comfort or peace.

Resphincteralize meaning

The rematerialisation of a person's sphincter following lots of anal sex. This is a short term recovery if things are left alone.