tabarnaque meaning and definition

tabarnaque meaning

French curse word. Ofently used as an insult by French Canadians and Quebecers. Originates from the french word 'tabernacle'. In the catholic Church, a 'tabernacle' is a small cupboard intended, since the XVI° century, to preserve the devoted hosts. Over a few decades, the pronounciation and spelling for 'tabernacle' evolved too 'tabarnaque'. 'Tabarnaque' can be the english equivalent for shit or piece of shit.

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tabarnouche meaning

(French-Canadian)Soft profanity used to emphasize an emotion, an impression. Mild version of french-canadian curse word tabarnak.

tabarnush meaning

A more special way to tell Tabarnak

tabarooshka meaning

a vagina licking animal that comes from russia and likes to eat human toenails

tabarouette meaning

(French-Canadian)Soft and polite profanity used to emphasize an emotion, an impression. Mild version of french-canadian curse word tabarnak.

tabarrassed meaning

When you're embarrassed by what tab you have open in your browser when someone looks over

tabarslaque meaning

Soft profanity used to emphasize an emotion, an impression. Mild version of french-canadian curse word tabarnak. Diminutive: tabaslaque

tabascing meaning

A violent sexual act involving the sodomy of ones rectum with a bottle of extra hot tobasco sauce covered in mayonaise and a hammer.

Tabasco meaning

A substance of great mystery and horror. Men find themselves drawn to it, as if it were a beacon leading them down the path to salvation. Only to find themselves trapped in a realm of burning, hellish, eternal pain.

tabasco balls meaning

when you put tabasco on your balls then put them in a girls gaping mouth

Tabasco Break up meaning

Putting Tabsco sauce all over the exterior of a condum and having sex with your girlfriend, right before you break up.