uber-ejaculation meaning and definition

uber-ejaculation meaning

An ejaculation by a male or female exceeding 11 fluid ounces.

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Uber Elite meaning

-One Who is amazing. -One who hacks. -One who Cracks. -The destroyer of worlds. The term was first invented when a hacker stole over 13 million credit cards in Australia, by the name of Casey "Acidx" Lee Williams. Who served 3 years in the Australian Federal Penetentry. He was since known as the "Uber Elite Blackhat"

Uber Elite Haxor meaning

What a noob calls himself. He defines himself as skillful but in actuality he is terrible at what he does.

uberem meaning

A person named Emily who is uber l33t.

Über Emo meaning

A person who goes into the corner digs themself a really really big hole then goes underneath their hole and goes emo and cuts themself untill they die

uberEpic meaning

An act, occurence, object or state-of-being that transcends pure epicness.

uberepicnicity meaning

an epic, so awesome, that it's very difficult to achieve

uberepicwinzorsoft meaning

A win which is deffined only when a man is giving up his 'manlyness' and conforming to his 'loved one' - but gains something out of it ultimately, making it a win win situation that he has to become 'soft' for.Because he is so manly, however, his conforming only assures his manlyness, as he is so manly, he can becoming soft to gain something, proving his uber ness, as well as his epicness, and that he is "uberepicwinzorsoft".

uberer meaning

more uber than

Uberesque meaning

The art, the style, the flair of being uber. To describe something done with much uberness.

Uber Everywhere meaning

To "uber everywhere" is just like it sounds. Using the app taxi service uber to get to places. Great if you're lazy or just wanna get fucked up in Downtown (as to not get a DUi). Great thing about ubering everywhere is that you can still bring a chick home and FUCK! :D