uberlative meaning and definition

uberlative meaning

In grammar, the uberlative of an adjective or adverb is in the greatest form of the adjective or adverb, and is way stronger than superlative (contrary to what you might have learned in school). Only to be used on special occasions.

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uberlawl meaning

Roots coming from uber and lawl; uberlawl is the epitome of lawlage. This ultimate form of lawl is what makes lawling worth-while; it's what any professional lawler strives to achieve. Only something that is so funny that it makes you lawl so hard that you can't breathe for 10 or more seconds, can be worthy of the uberlawl title.

uberleet meaning

Uber = Very in german, but used as "Super" to "l33trz" Leet = Elite, good. L33trz = See Leet Speak. Uberleet = Very good!

uber leet haxor meaning

Somebody that not only uses hacks but is unusually good at hacking.

uberleetzors meaning

Better than most leet people, usually at counter strike.

uber-left meaning

A group of radical Marxists, in other words the "uber left", who believe themselves and/or their political philosophy to be invincible.

Uberlichious meaning

An outstanding superlative, magnificent, righteous, above every other, preeminet in quality and flava as relating to food, style, life, hair color and favorite t-shirt material.

uberlicious meaning

High and godly, above all

Uberlicious Girl meaning

Noun: The most beautiful girl one can come across. An Uberlicious girl is that special someone that warms your heart and tickles your soul no matter what. One will grow fond of her because she is genuine and true to herself.

uber lit meaning

Another meaning for super lit.

uberlitionism meaning

The political movement to free taxi drivers from the slavery-like yokes of taxi-industry regulations.