Vaage meaning and definition

Vaage meaning

Vaage (noun) 1. Dutch slang with similar meaning to the English word, cunt 2. Also often substituted for the English word, mangina

Vaage meaning

female part of the anatomy, more widely known as the vagina

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A Human being with extreme levels of power. He is extremely strong and handsome, but has a huge ego.

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A fart that escapes between your thigh and testicles creating a propeller-like noise.

vaaj meaning

A Slang Word used to discribe the vagina!

vaal meaning

A girl that likes to have sex on hills.

vaan meaning

Vaan is the main character from Final Fantasy 12. He is a street-urchin wannabe sky pirate. Best friends with Penelo.

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Purpose of life is getting pussy ANYTIME when possible. Also the courage to take the "not so pretty one", if IT is guaranteed.

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Insult, Italian. Literally translated means "Go to Naples." Actually means, "Go to Hell".

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The sexy-ist bitch in the whole world ;)

vaani meaning

A beautiful goddess with the voice of angels.When you meet a "VANI" be very grateful as she is usually a very caring and loving person she will stick with you through thick and thin.

Vaapad meaning

The seventh lightsaber form(Aka Juyo).The form requires its user to get close to the dark side and accept the fury of their opponent.It has a superconducting loop for the user to reflect his/her opponent's hate,anger and fear back to its source.