West High meaning and definition

West High meaning

A high school located in Torrance, California. The mascot is the warrior. The school colors are shit brown and piss yellow. About 45% white, 45% asian and 10% other. Dudes here are either Surfer douchebags or wankstas who think they’re hot shit. If you're black, everyone wants to be your friend because they think you're a rapper or baller or just straight pimp. Lots of hot chicks here, but lots of them are slutty and wear revealing shit, basically asking to get fucked. If you don’t party, you’re not considered “cool”. Lotta stoners at West, but not as much as south or mira costa. Sports teams are the best in the Bay League overall. The coaches automatically are interested in you if you're black and ride your dick. The best players on the basketball and football teams are black, and they don't even live in Torrance. The white kids and few stud asians play football, baseball and volleyball. All the loser fobs run cross country for 2 years just to have it on they're transcript for college. Only the try-hard asians actually get into top universities. ASB is “Asian Student Body”…self explanatory. Economic backgrounds of the students vary. A lot of fob koreans live in apartments and they're not ballin financially. The white kids and asian-AMERICANS live in houses and most are ballin and spoiled upper middle class. The teachers at west make the classes too hard. The campus is a shithole…looks like it belongs in the ghetto. Overall, West is an OKAY school. It is what you make it.

West High meaning

The china town of Torrance.

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West High Entertainment Unit meaning

A band/drillteam/tallflags in Torrance which is made up of highly skilled musicans/dancers/flagpleople. This band compeats in compitions far away, which means many perverted bus rides. The Flutes in the band are super skilled and out-play any trumpet. The Entertainment Unit gives up a week of their summer to practice, and is outside in the fog every morning at 7:02 in the fall, just to practice

west high school meaning

a very ghetto and poor school but they have baum bitches at tymez!!! lolz dat asian teacher is not dat bad either

Westhillian meaning

The word describing someone who lives in the Western part of St.Catharines. So, somewhere between the St.Paul bridge and Vancicle road. We are often associated with thorold kids.

West Hills meaning

A quiet, boring, mostly white neighborhood in California. A place where old rich people live.

West Hoathly meaning

A tiny village situated in West Sussex, on a hill.

West Hollywood meaning

L.A's most urban neighborhood. The gay mecca of the city or suburb. Let's just say lots of pretty men in Euro dreads.

West Hollywood Belt meaning

When your pants are too loose to stay up so you give yourself a wedgie so you can hold your pants up betwixt your clenched buttocks

west hollywood mudflap meaning

When a faggot pushes his balls inside his own asshole. Gives the appearance of a muddy mudflap upon removal. Often shortened to WeHo Mudflap.

West Hollywood slide meaning

The act of having receptive anal intercourse with multiple partners in a short period of time. The lube from the first time is still present for the second and third, allowing them to slide in with ease. The Silverlake Slide is the same thing, but without the use of condoms.

Westholm meaning

As an adjective, used to indicate supremacy; as a noun, Westholm refers to a most singular individual, whose adventures are legendary; as a verb, synonymous with coitus.