YACBM meaning and definition

YACBM meaning

Acronym for "Yet Another Comic Book Movie". May be phonetically pronounced as "Yack-Bem", or "Yack-B.M." Implies contempt for the recent hollywood trend of digging through the crate of old comic books for variations of tired cliches.

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yace meaning

another word for yes

yace-ah meaning

Yes sir, especially when responding with great enthusiasm. See yace. The ah can be drawn out for especially strong situations, as in "ahhhhhhhh".

Yaceczko meaning

Used as a definitive or point of fact. As in "thats the way it is" or "I said so".

yace phace meaning

a cocaine addict; a person whom uses cocaine to give him/herself an unnatural high on a regular basis

Yacer meaning

A cutie patootie with a little booty

yacet meaning

A drug addict that has taken every drug in the world and gets fucked up like there is no tomorrow

Yacey meaning

Another term for vagina, typically used in non-profitable sentences. Also a spice used in making cake for homeless shelters.

yach meaning

Similar to what we humans know as a yacht. However there are certain individuals who have difficulties pronouncing this word- hence yach

yachary meaning

badass mofo who is a straight up thug. you fuck with him he fucks with ur bitches. end of story.

Yachats meaning

A magical town filled with stoners, homosexuals, mushrooms festivals and Steve Erwins vacation home.