Table Troll meaning and definition

Table Troll meaning

The below average beer pong player on the losing team who fails to make one cup during a game of beer pong has to then sit under the table during the next game and drink the winning teams cups until that game is over.

Table Troll meaning

The below average beer pong player on the losing team who fails to make one cup during a game of beer pong has to then sit under the table during the next game and drink the winning teams cups until that game is over.

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Tablet Security Device meaning

an idiot - "Pill-Lock"

Tabletubby meaning

The act of walking around with an iPad or similar tablet partially tucked down the front of your pants so that you can listen to videos on Youtube via headphones while doing housework or chores. The result is that you have a video emanating from your abdominal area.

table tugger meaning

A hand job under the table while in a restaurant or some other public place.

tablet-widow meaning

1. One who has lost a partner or significant other to excessive obssesive usage of an ipad/galaxy tab etc

table txting meaning

to put your keyboard cell phone down on a table and place your hand(s) on it and type your txt message like a keyboard on a computer.

tablet zombie meaning

opt. 'mobile zombie' people with a device in hands, frozen in space, as if going somewhere, their need to respond to a new e-mail or check updates caught them by surprise.These people can walk slowly with their tablet or mobile in hands, reminding zombies. Sometimes they hide in far cafe corners and become similar to a self-absorbed plankton, swaying on the waves.By ignoring surroundings tablet zombies can create dangerous situations in public spaces such as subway or street. Some users say that they can do the familiar path having no problems, without looking at the road. However, this leads to many risks...

table vac meaning

Someone who snorts drugs.

Table Vultures meaning

People trying to find a table to sit at in a crowded coffee shop. They will often circle the coffee shop repeatedly while looking for a place to sit and will hover buzzard-like near the table of someone who looks like they might be about to leave.

Table Wank meaning

A stealthy act where one tries to catch a beat at the table without being noticed.

table watcher meaning

In big cities, a street vendor is only allowed to occupy a certain amount of space so they hire people to stand behind their tables as a means of sliding through that legal loophole. Those people are called "table watchers".