N00b DNA meaning and definition

N00b DNA meaning

It's what's a N00b is full of. It's a weird DNA that's secretly inserted into certain people that make them act retarded. They become obnoxious, loud, socially retarded, attention whores, they act like they know everything when in reality they know nothing. N00b DNA is the reason for this, Frosh are also injected with N00b DNA.

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n00bdom meaning

1. A place where many players are highly inexperienced. 2. The state of being a n00b. 3. A place where n00bs gather. 4. A guild or group of players who are not considered to be skilled for their respective levels.

n00beaurate meaning

n00beaurate is the female version of a n00b. It just so happens that in real life there are sum pretty n00bish gals hangin around so we l337 d00ds invented a name for em, hence n00beaurates.

n00bed meaning

Being Killed by a n00b or noob while playing a game.

n00beh meaning


n00ber meaning

Noun; One who supports or acts similar to a n00b and/or acts under the principles of n00bism

n00berey meaning

the act of being a n00b and/or acting like a n00b.

n00berific meaning

verb: To be a n00b in an "ific" manner.Used to imply stupidity or worthlessness.

N00ber Pwnage meaning

A wordplay on the term "uber pwnage," pronounced New-burr-Pone-edge, n00ber pwnage has two definitions. 1. beginners luck; when a n00b is doing well in a video game (must be against other people; ie. XBox Live, a PC game, etc) 2. the art of targeting n00bs and n00bs alone.

n00bert meaning

1) A n00b whose name happens to be Bert. 2) Someone whose n00bism reaches such an extent that the mere word "n00b" is too weak to apply to him; thus he is termed a n00bert.

n00berty meaning

Like puberty, a stage everyone has to go through before they become mature gamers. But without the hair growth.