meaning and definitionw3w7
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meanings of w3w7
Same as "w00t". Just typed differently.
An expression of joy and excitement. See w00t for further clarification.
The tabletop game developed by Games Workshop in which players compete with miniature armies set in the 41st millenium. Players build up their armies from plastic boxed sets and make lists based on points value (ie a bunch of crappy guys or a few kick-butt ones). Many unique types of units exist in each race of beings, and there are 9 unique races to chose from, each with their own flavor. The game features the ability to either shoot apart the army from a distance or close in for some visceral close combat. The universe is rather dark, where humanity worships one man called the Emperor. Other beliefs means heresy, another word for 'Death Sentence'.
What's for lunch?
w4m= "Woman/Women for Men/Man" section of Personal ads. I'll let someone else bother to post defs for m4w, m4m, w4w, and some other more 'alt' categories... but it's pretty obvious which categories those abbrev. label.
An elite and unique brotherhood of geeks that have uber-skills in all possible situations in daily life.
Wanker, tosser, dickhead etc
the most fucking gay "e-gang" that has happened. oderint dem metuant my ass. wee > w4r
w4r10ck na linguagem da internet sigunifica uma guerra interna em um determinado servidor,A palavra w4r10ck esta em binario e pode tambem figuinificar bloqueio de guerra.w4r10ck=warlock w4r= guerra+10ck=bloqueio Bloqueio de guerra
Warez/Pirated software said in "leet" text.
woman for transsexual/transvestite/transgender