meaning and definitionr2o
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meanings of r2o
Acronym for: Ready to Own Orginated from a Dark Age of Camelot Guild called "Charge It".
A secret and powerful paramilitary with a distributed chaos network extending over the reign of the highest academia in the country.
Tony is gay
Refuse to read.
probably the biggest mexican-american to ever walk this planet. a bad-ass mofo, has a total disregard to the standards of others, resulting in a personal code thats bad-ass. additionaly, he disregards power in numbers and will often will mock and defile lesser opponets who are caught defiling his personal code (a trash-talker, women-beater, bush supporter, bible beater, terrorist, playas, etc.) can often quite be outspoken as what he says is direct, wise, and simple. he is one who doesn't need to pretend to be badass because he just is. compare to the most bad-ass of all time: mr. carlos ray norris, aka "chuck" norris. listens to johnny cash but also willing to admit that he listens to enrique iglesias or justin timberlake. if you don't like that, then fuck off! also considered a person who doesn't take shit from anyone, and says fuck, shit, or damn in 75% of his sentences, one who always wears his bad-ass hat pointed to the side.
raver to the grave - a clubbing term describing a raver's lifelong dedication to the messy things in life..
A common saying from the DrinkUr League of Legends team after winning a game or preforming a great move on your team.
A gay sex droid.
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Rant/Rave/Random - used on Tweeter, Facebook/Google Statuses, Google Buzz, blogs, etc.It combines all things that are good, bad, or misc. that goes on in someone's life.Can be used to reference a point of time that sums up their thought at that time: R3 of the Day, R3 of the Month, R3 of the Moment, etc.
Car manufactured by Nissan in the late 80's. Makes a great sleeper.